5 Reasons To Use An In-Home Pet Sitting Service

Have a holiday planned? Business trip approaching? And, you still cannot decide what you're going to do with your pet? Consider an in-home pet sitter in your area. The experience is a quantum jump above the outdated practice of kennel boarding. In this blog post let’s analyze the benefits of choosing an experienced, certified, and insured in-home pet sitting service:

Your Pet is relaxed in the comfort of their habitation. His/her areas to sleep, eat, potty, and neighborhood walk keep their routine persistent with no hiccups. They stay stressed less while a certified pet sitter follows his specified daily routine giving personalized care. Nevertheless, the usual practice at kennels is to leave your pet locked in a cage in-between their potty breaks. Your pet is in a cramped, ill-lit space on a cold, hard surface nearly most of the day

Your Pet is not open to other dogs' diseases and germs. The practice at kennels can be dangerous for your pet's health. There is also a disease brought on and named after boarding in kennels. Kennel cough is an often-used term that refers to a highly contagious respiratory disease, common in dogs and cats caused by the bacterium Bordetella Bronchiseptica. It usually leads to a mild, self-limiting illness characterized by coughing and sneezing in pets recently boarded in a communal setting. Your pet keeps their health and happiness in your home unexposed to illnesses.


Your pet gets complete care and attention. In case of boarding your pet is in a cage all the time and only gets attention when let out to do a pooh. In the case of in-home pet sitting, a trained, animal-loving pet sitter comes to your home to give their attention to your beloved animal. Pet sitters follow your pet’s schedule and ensure their specific routine is observed. They enjoy walks, play sports, receive treats, and yes, a lot of love and belly scratches.

Pet sitters won’t make you guilty. You won’t force friends, family, or neighbors to do the sitting. They may take good care of your pet but they may not be trained to respond to an emergency, with your pet or your home. They may also be not insured and bonded if something goes wrong. A professional in-home pet sitting company will be trained on how to respond to any kind of emergency and will have insurance and bonding thus keeping you protected.


No more needless vaccinations. Many kennels need a laundry list of vaccinations for your pet, no matter what your vet recommends for your pet. Needless vaccinations can of course increase your pets’ risk of developing allergies among other health risks. Certain vaccinations for your pet stay with them during their life span.




Best of all your pet is still at home to perform its duty as a watchdog. Anyhow, with a pet sitter coming and going daily for pet visits, your home doesn't look like a dwelling with a family on holiday. A pet sitter lends a lived-in look to your house by obliging your requests. The pet sitter turns on and off lights in the home, adjust blinds and curtains, and bring in the daily newspaper, among other activities.


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